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​Western Springs Garden Club was founded in 1926. We are a charter member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Central Region and the Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. District II. We have 70+ active members and seven sustaining members. Several members have participated for over twenty-five years! All are welcome to join and we currently have thirty members that are nonresidents.


The purpose of the Western Springs Garden Club is to encourage and foster a greater appreciation of trees, shrubs and flowers among our members and neighbors, and to stimulate an interest in protection of forests, wild flowers, and birds.


We support civic projects in our community such as planting flowers in the Blue Star Memorial Garden in the spring, maintain the perennial beds in Spring Rock Park, and provide trees to area schools on Arbor Day. We award scholarships to college students in our community who are pursuing degrees in conservation, horticulture, landscape design, environmental science or other botany related fields. We bring monthly flower displays to the Western Springs Public Library. The club plans outings of interest to its members and holds a plant exchange. Don't miss our annual PLANT SALE, the Saturday before Mother's Day.


About  Us

Our next meeting will be held at:
Grace Lutheran Church, 4101 Wolf Road, Western Springs

Beginning September, 2025 our meetings will be held at:

Western Springs Baptist Church,

4475 Wolf Road
on the FOURTH Monday of each month.
Masks are not required but welcomed.


Coming up...

Monday, March 17, 12:30 p.m.

Monarchs: The History and Science Behind the Monarch Craze with Kim White


We welcome back, Kim White, a lifelong master naturalist and educator. Her PowerPoint presentation will explore the migratory path and life cycle of the monarch butterfly, and teach us what we can do to attract them to our gardens and assist their migration. It’s time to help this iconic insect!



Monday, April 21, 9:30 a.m.,TBD

Annual Election of Officers



Friday, May 9, 9:00 a.m., Tower Green 

Plant Sale Set-Up. Transport plants, label, price and setup for sale. Bring tables and wagons.


Saturday, May 10, 8:00 a.m.-12 noon, Tower Green 


Coordinator: Wendy Duquette


For a description of the events please click HERE.


Join Us

Please join us for a meeting or contact us at for more information about our club. Guests are always welcome to attend, and new members are eagerly accepted.


Check our calendar for up-coming meetings and events.


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